Why We're Offering You a Free E-Book on Seasonal Living

It's a concept we talk about a lot here at Creative Countryside, and living seasonally is integral to what we post and when. As you're already here reading, chances are you've got some idea what it's all about, and you might already strive to live in this way, allowing your choices to be guided by the rhythm of nature. If so, you're in the right place: the e-book is intended to go hand-in-hand with your lifestyle.

We hope that it will provide the impetus you might need to get outdoors on days when it isn't easy to find the time or inclination to do so. We'd also like to inspire you to try new recipes, new crafts, and celebrate ancient traditions in a way that can slip easily into your current routine. But most of all, we hope that it will join together our growing community with ideas that we can all aspire to achieve.

Inside the book you'll find four sections - one for each of the seasons - and within each section we've included:

  • a seasonal to-do list
  • advice on what foods are in season, plus what recipes to try
  • a handy checklist for seasonal produce
  • seasonal festivals and how you could celebrate
  • crafts you could try inspired by the natural world.

We've also included an overview of seasonal living, plus some helpful hints on how to get started. To receive all of this, simply sign up to join our free community below. You'll also receive monthly(ish) emails filled with seasonal inspiration, news from our community, and be the first to hear about the magazine and its launch later this year.

Can't wait to welcome you!

P.S. Once you've read the book, we'd love it if you shared with us how you live by the seasons, because this is just the start (not everything can be fit into 36 pages!), and we know there are so many of you out there with ideas worth sharing. Just hit reply to the email, or get in touch here.

Eleanor Cheetham